Sunday 30 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 36

Housemates discuss and decide to save Aarav from eviction.

Juliana hugged and kissed Oviya so did Oviya embraced her back. Oviya felt very happy with Juliana’s gesture.

Gayathri has decided that she would not speak to anybody from Sunday onwards.

Kamal announced everyone safe except Juliana. He told a small life story for housemates and announced NO eviction.

Kamal Hassan gave a task for the housemates where they mimicked housemates. Snehan imitated Juliana amazingly even Kamal could not hold back his laughter. Kamal then asked Snehan to perform a dance that he learnt from Gayathri. It was much finnier than his mimic.

Housemates were given T-shirts with other housemates’ face print on it. They had to answer the questions of Kamal being the person whose face is printed on the T-shirt. Raiza took it serious because Oviya mentioned her ex-boyfriend’s name and revealed about her drinking habits. She was badly upset with Oviya. Snehan consoled Raiza.

Wild card entry – Bindu Madhavi

She hit the floor with a bank on dance performance. Kamal welcomed her and then introduced her to the audiences.

Bindu entered the house and housemates all seemed happy to see her. Bindu has come to spice up their lives she told all the housemates.


Bindu has got some tasks for the housemates. Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Saturday 29 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 35

Kamal Hassan showed a recap of last one week and the highlight of today’s episode.

After the morning dance session, Oviya and Raiza couldn’t use the smoking room because of a tiny frog inside it. Later, Juliana removed the frog from the room.

BB called Juliana and instructed her to continue the Judge task. Oviya laid red carpet for Juliana without making any mess as she had promised Aarav she won’t hurt Juliana.
Housemates only had 1600 points remaining with them for Luxury shopping. So they did the shopping with those points today.

Gayathri, Sakthivel, Snehan discussed with Aarav about Oviya’s carpet pulling matter. They felt, Oviya almost took it to another level because of losing her temper. They could not understand whom to be supported and whom to be blamed.

A New Task: - Housemates were divided into two teams. They were given script of Kamal Hassan film “Avvai Shanmughi” from that movie they had to perform a scene. Raiza was the host. Housemates practiced on the dialogues with full enthusiasm.

Kamal Hassan catches up with the housemates through the inside TV and Raiza introduced character names to Kamal Hassan. Then both the teams performed on their respective scenes.
Kamal after watching their performances especially inquired with Juliana if the character of the movie that she played reminded her anything. He hinted her about the lies she has told in the house till date.

Kamal asked to Gayathri about which footage’s editing the BB show’s team done, she claimed. Gayathri clarified Kamal’s doubts. Kamal then informed everyone that there is no added editing done as they think. He then clarified there is no need to project somebody bad and also that there is nothing as such possible by the camera to do. Kamal also spoke on the 5 second footage that Juliana had been talking in the house since last weekend’s episode ended. He asked her whether she wants to really see the footage. She said that she doesn’t want to see it. Oviya giggled on that.

Ganesh is not able to understand Oviya hearing that Kamal said he is able to understand her but why is he not. He explains his side. After hearing to everyone’s side Kamal make Oviya understand what she did to Juliana was wrong and Juliana too accepts that and apologizes.

Kamal wrapped the show but, before bidding adieu to the housemates and viewers he put the housemates into a big crisis. He continued the fake nominations and asked the housemates to decide which of the four nominated members they would save if they wish to save one. 
There is a big chaos predicted from housemates while making the decision for saving one housemate. Let’s see which of the already safe housemates they try to save one.

There is a lot of fun awaiting us in tomorrow’s episode as there could be a wild card entry tomorrow.
Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 34

After the wake up song and the morning dance Aarav, Sakthivel and Snehan were seen predicting, who have more chances to get evicted this weekend.

Vaiyapuri, Gayathri and Snehan are unable to handle Ganesh’s appetite issue especially with eggs.
Snehan confronts to Oviya that he feels it’s not the old Oviya since last evening.  Sakthivel feels this is the actual Oviya. She is keeping it as a secret.

Oviya was seen crying in the Smoking zone and Snehan was consoling her when she kept saying she is done here and that she doesn’t want to stay in the house anymore because she is not happy.

Sakthivel enquired with Snehan what is wrong with Oviya. Snehan shared the discussion he had with Oviya in the smoking zone.

Aarar spooned ice-cream to Oviya.

Raiza informed everyone that she cannot work with Oviya anymore. So, Snehan requested Oviya to change the team. Raiza later told Oviya to change the team from tomorrow onwards.
Raiza wants to go home because she cannot stand Oviya said, Raiza to Juliana. She even has a problem with the dog who according to Raiza barks only when she sleeps but, doesn’t bark when Oviya sleeps.

Juliana went to Raiza and complained that everyone is having plenty of ice-cream but, she was offered only little.

Juliana selected by BB as judge for cooking task

Two teams were made who had to cook some cuisines which would be tasted by Juliana and she would announce one team as winner whose food tasted the best. Juliana announced Sakthivel’s team as the winner.

Since she has become the queen her foot should not touch the ground so one person should lay a red carpet whenever she walks. For obvious reasons she chose Oviya to do it for her. Oviya kept pulling the carpet when Juliana stood on it. Snehan and Aarav tried to make her understand that it might affect her image so, stop hurting Juliana. Oviya feels she has lost her self-respect because of Juliana. Aarav becomes the peace maker between Juliana and Oviya.

Snehan, Gayathri, Aarav and Oviya discussed about Juliana’s mood swings.  

Sakthivel and Gayathri discussed that Vaiyapuri got scared by the carpet incident. Sakthivel admitted that everyone got scared.

BB called each housemate in the confession room and asked them who they think performed well this week considering all the tasks. Majority chose Snehan and Sakthivel as the best performers.  Beauticians were arranged for grooming them with hair-cut and spa.

Gayathri lifts Juliana and escort her till dining area. They both fell down while she put her down.

Housemates have been fooled for this entire week by fake nomination process. It is going to be a great fun watching them tomorrow when the eviction truth would gets revealed.


Vaiyapuri is getting angry upon somebody, Oviya is dancing on her movie song.. Do not miss out coming episodes. Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Friday 28 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 33

Gayathri accompanied Oviya and performed a dance as soon as the wake up song played. It was a treat to watch them dance together forgetting all the differences.

Vaiyapuri shared yesterday’s incident with Aarav about Juliana. Juliana said that she would also apologize to Oviya when she heard that Oviya cried in conversation with Gayathri.

Aarav and Oviya discussed about Juliana they both feel she is very negative.

Selfies clicked by housemates were shown in the plasma TV. With the Selfies each housemate said a story. Sakthivel won the selfie task and got a collaged pictures frame as a Gift.

Snehan recited some poems about Oviya’s nature.

Raiza and Juliana predict who is going to get evicted this week. Raiza has a strong feeling that it might be either her or Aarav.

BB informed about the negligence of housemates towards the basic rule of BB house which has hampered their luxury points for this week. House mates were given the right to decide how many points should be deducted from the luxury points. Total luxury points were 1800. Housemates with a unanimous decision request BB to deduct 200 points out of the 1800. Raiza was blamed the most by housemates for she was the one who had been sleeping during afternoon which is strictly prohibited in the house.

Snehan makes few people understand how important it is to follow the rules if they want to make use of complete luxury points.

Snehan discuss with Gayathri and Sakthivel that until now he had been thinking that it is just a fling for Oviya about Aarav but it is vise versa.

As Raiza is going to get evicted this weak she is enjoying the remaining days in the BB house says Gayathri to Sakthivel and Snehan.

Housemates would have some ideology about Bigg Boss’s image in their minds today they were given a chance through a task in which they had to make Bigg Boss statue with clay. Aarar won the task.

By winning the task Aarav was announced as “Small Bigg Boss” of the house and got five powers. Each power was given timely.  First power was to make someone his shadow. He chose Oviya for the same Oviya would do all his work and stay by his side all the time just like a shadow. Oviya wanted him to choose her so she thanked her personally.

In second power he had to choose one person who is a lazy lad. He chose Raiza for that. Raiza had to jump into the pool 5 times and each time she comes out and she had to write 10 times that she won’t be lazy anymore. She did the task but Aarar felt sorry for her.

BB voiced Gayathri and Aarar to come inside the confession room along with a doll Gayathri made with the remaining clay as a passing time. BB liked the doll which she had made so she was also given the title of “Small Big Boss”. Oviya had to assist both of them henceforth until they have the power.

Third power was to keep one person sit on the couch near the pool until the night lights turned off. They both choose Juliana for the same.

Housemates received KFC chicken as a surprise for which Aarar had requested to Bigg Boss. Gayathri and Raiza sat with Juliana and had their chicken.

Snehan discuss with his fellow mates about Juliana that she is trying to copy all the things which Raiza is doing.


Oviya is pulling a red carpet on which Juliana is standing. Oviya for some reasons was crying in the bathroom and Snehan was comforting her. Do not miss out coming episodes. Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 32

Oviya wished to speak to Gayathri about which she discussed with Aarar. He had a word with Snehan about the same which Oviya did not feel very good as she wanted to have a one on one talk with Gayathri.

Oru Ponnu onnu naan parthen from the movie Kushi was the wake up song for today.

As per the task Raiza cycled to open the bedroom door but, as soon as the door opened she left cycling and ran into the room before it got closed seeing which Aarar told Sakthivel that Raiza is breaking the rule. Later, she was seen doing the same once again. Sakthivel was sitting in the garden area with his fellow mates at that time. He asked Raiza few times if she is going to sleep but, Raiza did not bother to respond. Sakthivel preferred to ignore her after that. Raiza then went straight into the bedroom and dozed off knowing the fact, this may affect their luxury points.

Snehan being a captain of the house advised Juliana to be herself and not to try and adapt somebody else’s personality. He noticed few changes in her behavior which he did not appreciate.

It looks like Raiza has finally decided to do something prolific. Strangely, Raiza composes a rap song that too in the company of Juliana.

It seemed to be an advised day today. Arar came up with some quality advises that was really appreciated by Oviya. “Life is like a mirror. It reflects what we show to it. If we give love it reflects love likewise, if we give hatred it reflects hatred” says, Aarar to Oviya. He basically tried to comfort Oviya for what Juliana did to her. Oviya confessed to Aarar how she felt when Aarar and Oviya had stopped talking. Oviya gave hints to Aarar that she has again fallen for him. She complimented Aarar by saying that in her 25 years of life she has finally found a real man.

BB gave a task to Gayathri and Oviya in which they have become reporters. The reason they have been chosen for this task is because they are the two people who are extroverts in the house. Gayathri begin the task by interviewing Snehan. Oviya interviewed or we can say “punctured” Juliana by her questions.

After the interview session Gayathri and Oviya interviewed each-other. Oviya apologized to Gayathri for if she has ever hurt her. She also confronts few things with Gayathri. Gayathri then hugged Oviya as soon as she cried because that was the first time Gayathri was seeing Oviya cry. They both opened up with and sorted out the cold differences they had.

BB congratulated Oviya and Gaythri for doing the Task and with that he announced the end of luxury task.

Vaiyapuri teased Oviya for she cried today.

Gayathri apologized to Oviya for she had used some filthy words for Oviya once.

Sakthivel mimicked Raiza’s facial expressions when she was not around. Everyone laughed at watching that.

Snehan recited one of his poems as per Vaiyapuri’s request to dedicate it to his wife.

A New Task: - Housemates were given a phone to take solo selfies. The pictures would be showed in the Plasma TV later.

After the lights turned off Juliana was seen giving massage to Sakthivel. Snehan teased Juliana that her hair looked one like a witch. Juliana went to Raiza and forced her do a scary look make-up to her so as to scare the housemates. I wished, somebody told her that she doesn’t need any make up to scare people it is already much scarier. Oviya was resting in the garden area and all of a sudden Juliana passed by needless to say she scared Oviya too.

Problems can be sorted if people start to open up probably the housemates have understood the same. But, for how long it is going to continue we would know by the passing time.


Oviya learning some dance moves from Gayathri on maiya-maiya song from the movie “Guru”. Perhaps, Juliana has again got the stomach ache seeing the closeness between Oviya and Aarar.
A rare view of bonding between unexpected people in the house is going to be a fun to watch. Do not miss out the coming episodes. Stay tuned for all the latest updates.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 31

Vaiyapuri draws rangoli and starts the day.

Raiza gave a haircut to Juliana. She needs a head cut instead.

Even if Aarar had shared with the housemates that he knew about the Drama matter they would have not believed him. People you do drama here can only achieve a good name an honest man won’t, says Aarar to Vaiyapuri. Vaiyapuri guesses that it would be Juliana getting evicted this week. She would have definitely if it was a true nomination process.

The Luxury Budget Task starts. Aarar read out the instructions. The Task is about cycling for each activity. Three cycles are arranged for the housemates each time a person wants to use Bathroom, use bedroom, living room or cook food may that be any activity someone should be cycling for them otherwise they cannot do it.

Vaiyapuri gets uncomfortable with few rules of the task.

Oviya found the task very interesting but some housemates were not much happy with the task.

Oviya commented on Raiza’s T-shirt quote which read “Nah” she said it gives a negative vibe but the T-shirt looks good. Raiza felt offended by that. Oviya apologized for the same. Oviya discuss this matter to Snehan. Snehan by mistake called her by Juliana’s name which hurt Oviya and tears rolled down her cheeks. Housemates comforted her and also tell her to enjoy their company if few do not feel interested in talking with her.

Snehan informed everyone as per BB’s instruction that housemates got to continue this task until the next verdict. So, Snehan requests everybody to co-operate and wake up a little earlier so that others can use the bathroom. Vaiyapuri gets annoyed with the instruction for he wakes up early morning and for using bathroom disturbing somebody else is not acceptable for him. Snehan and Aarar assure Vaiyapuri that he can call them and they are fine with it anytime he wants to use the loo.

Snehan mimicked Juliana while Gayathri, Ganesh and Juliana too laughed on the same.

Raiza do not like the way Snehan speaks to her she wants him not to speak to her like he speaks to others in an ordering manner. Snehan agree.

Sakthivel sprinkles water from the pool on Juliana who laid by the pool side. She wakes up after few minutes on that Snehan she is doing a drama also when she is asleep.

BB called Snehan and asked why Sakthivel is not cooking and why is Raiza (who is not a part of the cooking team) allowed for cooking. Snehan informed the same to Raiza and instead of listening to his instruction she argued that Oviya also used to cook when she wasn’t a part of the team. Later Snehan informed Sakthivel and asked him to intervene as Raiza did not stop even after informing her.

After putting the housemates into so much humiliation too this Juliana girl is behaving so normal says Snehan to Vaiyapuri. Snehan is feeling sad for people trying to ignore Oviya.  A soft corner has grown in Snehan’s heart for Oviya it seems.

Task-2: - 4 Pairs were made each pair, would perform the task wherein one would be blind folded and the other got to instruct to put the balls into respective buckets by collecting it from the ground. Snehan and Juliana’s pair won the task and received Ice-creams as a prize.

Oviya is neglected by few housemates especially all the females so she needs to understand that and accordingly speak to them only when it is important else she should also stop bothering, Aarar advised Oviya.

Oviya keep trying to forward her friendship hand to Juliana which she ignores all the time.


Oviya and Gayathri were called by BB into the confession room and he gave them a task in which they got to share their feelings for each-other. Oviya became emotional while she spoke to Gayathri.
Let’s hope Oviya can bring Gayathri back to a human life which she lost somewhere since she entered the BB house. Would Oviya be able to win all the hearts of the housemates? Stay tuned to know what happens next.

The Cost of the Lost

He wasn’t so matured enough to understand her importance in his life. She was a fighter, she fought with it for almost a year but, life had some other plans for her. In fact life had no plans at all. Life parted ways with her. She lost it, she lost her life. She had cancer. Cancer can be defined as blood-forming tissues, encumbering the body’s ability to fight infection. But, how would you define when someone loses their life, causing cancer? Would you be able to define the pain one is suffering due to cancer? Would you be able to define the life of a person who has lost someone because of cancer? No, right? He never knew what is losing a life, how is he going to understand what has caused her to lose her life.

He was standing by a wall confused but, he was still crying. People said she will never come back. It was a not a normal day for him. She was laid in front of him with a hell lot of crowd around her. She was covered by wreaths, her nose stuffed with cotton balls, strong smell of flowers, perfumes and lighting joss sticks badly straining his head. She is still lying there motionless. His thoughts kept asking him, will she never come back? He recalled the other day when she while caressing his hair said, “Why do you trouble me so much, you know I get worried for you when I don’t see you around? Next time if you don’t come when I call your name, I will not talk to you” He said, “Okay mummy, I will not trouble you anymore”. She hugged him tight and planted lot of kisses on his cheeks and forehead. “Won’t these things ever happen with me again? Will she not call my name again? Will she not hug me, kiss me, and feed me?” His thoughts started troubling him.

 What is it stopping him to understand her importance, why don’t he understand that she was way more important than all this. Is it because he was just EIGHT? An eight year old boy, how much matured can he be? Losing a mother at such tiny age can take him to wrong. Will his father be able to replace his mother? Will he be able to bring up their child well?

A year passed since he lost his mother. He was in standard 3rd then; he is still in same the class. He was detained because he failed that year. He had a new bunch of friends now not just in his class but in his locality too. They shifted to a new place. His father sold their house to pay off the debts he had taken. Now they stayed in a rented house with a low maintenance cost. So much has changed in just in one year. The boy has become so mischievous that he robs milk packets from running vehicle. He and his local friends would rob anything like milk, fruits, biscuits and all that is eatables. Initially these kids are only prone to steal eatable but, if this is not stopped at the right time, it could make them worse.

Today something unusual happened. He was caught red-handed while stealing milk. His father was called by a constable to reach police station as earliest. His father was devastated. His 9 year boy has now experienced a police station. He paid the fine and brought him home. He didn’t know what to do with his son. After a few days of thinking he decides to remarry. Was this a correct decision? Could this decision help his son? Where is it going to take the boy, to right or again to wrong?

He failed in class five too. The school HM (Headmistress) calls his father and informs that they cannot allow the boy to continue in that school. They gave a LC (Leaving Certificate) with a promotion to 6th standard; this was a compensation they could offer.

He was admitted to a new school. A school; where boys of his age would even puff cigarettes. Of, course not in the school premises. No doubt, his life was just going to get messier. He lived in a house where his step mother would not give him enough food, she would hide food and snack in cupboard and lock them. This taught him to cook for himself. His father would get at least one complaint against him daily from her. The father one day decides to leave him to a boarding school.

He yelled, he cried, he pleaded that he doesn’t want to go to a boarding school but all in vain….

A boarding school where there’s concession for an orphan. But, he wasn’t orphan, right? No, he was. He was half orphan. It gives me immense pain to write these lines but, this is the fact. This is how he was admitted to the boarding school. The worst days were yet to come. The boy was punished for silly thing just like the other boys there. The Brother who took care of the boarding would treat the boys very badly. They were put to work so much that could never be even imagined by someone. They weren’t even served with proper food after putting so much effort. They use to wear used clothes received through charity. He would phone his father from the boarding and cry to take him home back. His father would come on a Sunday every month not to take him back but just to meet him.

One day, he ran out of the boarding. Later, his father sent him back again after making him understand that it is for his good.

It’s been 3 years now since he left his home. The boarding school gave him friends for life but, along with good things he also got detached with his only family. He was not worried now whether his father comes to meet him or not, he doesn’t wait for his father’s call also. He is used to with this life. His friends are his family now. Just two more years and he will have to leave the boarding. This was his greatest fear now. He didn’t want to go back.

He failed 10th. He don’t want to study anymore he told his father. He wants to become a musician, he would always say. His father encouraged him to become one because his son sang very well. His father tried to make him understand how important it is to study even if he wants to become a singer/musician. But the boy never listened.

He stays at home, cooks food for his father, completes all the house chores, cleaning the floor to washing the dishes he did everything with utmost perfection. That lady, his step-mother ran away with somebody. His father has only one support system now & that’s him. He is so detached with his father now that he does not understand a father’s importance in his life. He would not study, he would not work outside. His father turned 60 but, he still goes to work because of a son who is not serious about his life.

Where is he going on with his life? Is he serious about it? Has he ever thought what his identity without his father is? What will he do for living if he does not study?

He is becoming lean by the passing time. His father fails to understand why has become so thin. Once, chubby boy now has become so thin. “Is he not eating on time? Is he tensed but, for what? Is he sick?” His father got answer for all these questions.

The boarding and his friends gave him one more thing which he didn’t leave it there and come. He is addicted, to drugs. The intake of drugs has become so much that he has lost all his weight and charm. What does a father do now? His only son is addicted to drugs and he cannot help him get out of it.

I know, nowadays it is very common with the youngsters. But they are so naive that they do not know where it is taking them. The irony is that it increases you appetite so does the more consumption leads to addiction then memory deficiency, lack of impetus, dejection, obsession, nervousness, and lung problems.
Who got to be blamed for this? Is that his father, his so-called friends or his fate? I believe his story would have been different if his mother was alive. He would have been a better person. His life would have not been so miserable. But, what’s next? He got to change it, right? Not for his father, not for anyone else but for himself.

We get one life. Either, make it or destroy it. It is your choice, make it good or destroy it by blaming your fate.

 Life is beautiful. It indeed is breathtakingly beautiful. There is so much to live. The morning sun against your skin, the chirping of birds, the wind rustle against your cheeks, the crunch of leaves beneath your feet, the water engulfing you as you swim, the feeling when you do something great and your body just floods with happiness, people who smile at you, people who laugh with you, your friends, your close ones and the list goes on.

I just want to request the youngsters, live your life at the fullest. Accomplish a goal, a dream, make someone laugh, cheer someone up, listen to someone’s problems and someone would listened to yours, hug someone and get hugged by someone, fall hopelessly in love with someone. There are so many things that make life worth living. I bet you can make it worth living. Do not get lost.


Monday 24 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 30

Trigger-Sakthivel was upset by the eviction of Namitha.  Oviya and Vaiyapuri had neutral feeling by the eviction process. Snehan seemed distressed because of the worst situation that Juliana’s lies had put them into. He was astonished by the way she lied. Trigger-Sakthivel had a different view, he somewhere down the line felt Juliana is an innocent girl. 

Gayathri the Granny appeared confused how Juliana came to know these people called the stomach ache she got was a drama according to them. She was clueless, who would have put that to Juliana’s ears.

Granny-Gayathri settled a meeting. Juliana, Aarar, Trigger-Sakthivel, Vaiyapuri and Snehan were a part of it. Juliana starts with her clarification side; Kamal Hassan told that there is no such footage as such Juliana claimed to have. He even called her state of mind to be hollows nation. Aarar interrupted and asked her to come to the point. She found a new story to tell now. According to Juliana, Namitha was the one who said Juliana’s stomach ache was a drama. Aarar said, “Now you have accepted that you initiated the drama thing not Oviya. Nothing can be hidden from the cameras; you might blame 

Oviya out of fear so leave it. If you keep on trying to prove yourself, you are the only one who is going to suffer because of that”. Saying that, Aarar left the room Trigger-Sakthivel put his information after the whole research that Aarar should have not hid it from them that Juliana was lying and not Oviya. “Because of these people we all became fools”, said Trigger-Sakthivel. Snehan shared a piece of information about Aarar who was asked by Kamal Hassan who is her best friend he claimed it to be Raiza which Snehan felt to be untrue.

Oviya advised Juliana to accept that she had lied or else people would spit upon her when she goes out of the house. Juliana the drama queen went to her Granny-Gayathri and complained about Oviya. Granny-Gayathri and Trigger-Sakthivel comforted and opined her to be strong and ignore Oviya.

Granny-Gayathri defended Juliana when Aarar seemed supportive to Oviya.

Oviya felt very disheartened by Juliana’s behavior, she kept requesting Juliana to accept what she has done. Trigger-Sakthivel and Snehan calmed her (Oviya) down and necessitated to ignore Juliana. Granny-Gayathri did not stay there to listen out to Oviya instead, she preferred to get lost.  Granny-Gayathri cannot stand Oviya she said and left.

The next day started with Senjuttaley  song. Oviya danced and on the other side Granny-Gayathri but needless to mention that Oviya appeared prettier for facts; she is the lovely-lady unlike the other fellow ladies in the house.

Granny-Gayathri preached a lecture to Useless-Raiza and Sweetheart-Ganesh upon the Drama-Queen Juliana’s stomach pain. She defended Namitha and said, Namitha had commented about Oviya to be doing drama for some xyz reason which Juliana might have thought that it is for her.  It was a stupid conversation which is better to be not mentioned here and waste your valuable time.

Vaiyapuri apologized to his children for not pampering them when he was with them. He missed them and cried for his mistakes. He gave a promise, he would take them to everywhere they wished to go and get them everything they want once he is out of the house.

Sakthivel’s captaincy period is over. He suggested two names, Aarar and Snehan.

They both performed a task in which they had to fill an empty bucket with gloves in their hands by getting water from the bucket full of water kept on the other side and subsequently, Snehan won the task along with that he got safe from the nominations.

Fake Nominations started. (Housemates are unaware that it is a fake nomination) Raiza, Oviya, Juliana and Aarar were nominated by the housemates.

Oviya was called by BB after which she shared what is haunting her badly from inside. She became emotional and cried which she does not like doing in front of the camera. BB asked her doing what makes her happy. She said speaking to BB makes her happy. This Juliana girl has hurt Oviya so badly but she is giving no signs of feeling apologetic. Sick-Juliana.

Aarar understood that he is into the nominations because he supported Oviya over Juliana which he told to Oviya.

Oviya has only one friend in the house now and that is Aarar when she said this to Aarar he too have the same feelings he said. Oviya naughtily agreed upon that and said she is known to the fact that Aarar has no love like feeling for her. Unknown with the fact that nobody is going to get evicted, Oviya requested the audiences to vote for Aarar because he is the only friend she currently has in the house.  If this was a real nomination I am sure the die-hard fans of her who are known as “Oviya Army” would have definitely saved Aarar.


Oviya for the first time showed her emotional side to the housemates when Snehan by mistake called her by Juliana’s name.

The coming days are going to be tough for the alleged love rectangle (Aarar, Raiza, Juliana and Oviya) as all of them are in the nominations. It is going to be fun watching them so stay tuned with us.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 29

Kamal welcome everyone and showed what happened after he ended the last episode.

Juliana stuck to her lie. Housemates also believed that she has lied but, due to humiliation not accepting it. Juliana made an over dramatic scene by not having food.

Oviya asked Juliana to just say a sorry and end the topic but Juliana did not accept her fault instead, she still defended herself. Sakthivel, Snehan and Aarar were discussing about the issue and all of a sudden Oviya came up to them and said to be frank to her if they want to say something.

Aarar, Vaiyapuri and Ganesh discussed that viewers are judging them on what they see. Aarar has got more confidence upon the audiences now.

Snehan and Gayathri made Juliana understand and convinced her to accept her mistake in front of Kamal Hassan and apologize for the same. She agreed to do it for them. Not for she actually accepted that she has lied.

Gayathri on behalf of Juliana spoke to Kamal Hassan and said that Juliana would not repeat such mistake. Juliana then apologized to everyone including Oviya and explained that she lied in the fear of losing her fellow housemates.

Namitha gets evicted and Ganesh gets safe. Namitha hugged everyone and bid adieu.

Snehan seemed very saddened after Namitha’s exit Raiza, consoled Snehan.

Namitha met Kamal after coming out from the BB house.  Kamal asked her to share her first thought about her whole experience in the house and what she is taking as learning from the house. She said that it was an unbearable experience and that she needs more strength to take such challenges. She added that Oviya and Juliana poked her too much which she could not tolerate. According to Namitha, Oviya is playing mind games. Although Oviya apologizes in front of Kamal Hassan for her mistakes but, she is a very different person in the house said, Namitha. Juliana has just exaggerated and hyped her stomach pain though it was not at such level. Namitha felt BB house was a 5 Star jail where you have all the luxurious things but still prisoned. Namitha realized during her journey in the BB house that she is not that strong how much she had thought.

Kamal Hassan asked her if she noticed the pattern of isolating a person and showing the exit door like it happened in Barani’s case too. Namitha shared an incident where Barani tried to intentionally push and get in between Namitha and Juliana when they were washing utensils and she shared few bathroom incidents. Kamal Hassan on behalf of Barani’s side clears a point that Barani and Kamal come from a small village where people understand that putting a hand on a girl’s shoulder is not right but, coming close and talking is wrong they don’t understand that. The urban lifestyle and the space which Namitha talked about are a little tricky to understand to people coming from such a background.

After the break, Namitha played a game where she tagged few titles to the housemates.

Kamal Hassan showed her a flash back of her journey in the BB house. Namitha thanked everyone and left to live the outside world that is awaiting her.


Juliana’s drama is still continued, after apologizing to all the housemates in front of Kamal Hassan now she has brought back the topic which was ended on a good note. Stay tuned for more updates.

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 28

Kamal welcomed everyone and straight away without wasting any time showed us the footage of Friday morning.

Morning itself Sakthivel held a meet-up to sort out last night’s issue. Oviya s to her point except for the swear word she used. Gayathri spoke to Oviya in a very low standard manner. Sakthivel tried to control Gayathri but she was out of his control. Snehan also tried to make peace between all but, Juliana has so nicely lit the fire between Oviya and others that nobody except Kamal Hassan, could have sorted this issue. Sakthivel lost his calm and warned her to stop lying else he would give her a slap. Snehan came and pulled Oviya to avoid the violence.

Sakthivel and Oviya again had a conversation with cooled minds to sort things out. Oviya asked him the reason for cutting her out from the position of cleaning Team’s captain. Sakthivel gives a clarification. Later, Oviya apologizes to Sakthivel for mis-understanding him about the captain issue.

Juliana teased Oviya by singing a song, Oviya took no time to sing back the same song as a reply.

Kamal complimented everyone for the way they all participated in the Cops and Police task (Thiruda thiruda). He was much impressed by the Vaiyapuri grasped the character.

Later Kamal starts with Juliana and asked her about the current health. Then he asked everyone what was the matter. He once again complimented the boys for taking good care of an unwell person. The spontaneous action of the boys thoroughly impressed Kamal.

Kamal then questioned the girls why they did not show any concern. All the girls gave some excuses to get relieve from the situation instead of telling the actual reason.

Kamal asked Sakthivel if he actually told Gaythri, that she will be the cleaning teams captain hence forward. Sakthivel, Gaythri and Juliana were the only once who accepted that he gave the captain position back to Gayathri from Oviya. And also they stood on the statement that Oviya is known with changes. Ganesh and Raiza were still unaware of the fact.

Then he asked Juliana what happened on that day when she fell sick. After she narrated the whole story, Oviya interrupted and said that Juliana is lying. Kamal gave a chance to Oviya to keep her point. And after listening to both of them, he asked each member who they feel is telling the truth.

Everyone except Oviya supported Juliana blindly. Kamal then showed the clip were Juliana initiated the talk about the acting matter on the day when she had stomach pain. After watching the video clip everybody realized that Oviya was just trying to console Juliana.

After watching the footage Juliana still had the audacity to defend herself, she kept on blaming Oviya that she was the one who provoke her. Kamal asked Juliana on what basis she is still defending herself even after watching the entire footage.

Juliana exclaimed that before this footage started there was a point where Oviya is trying to provoke her. Kamal gave her very nice reply by saying “It would have been great if there was any such footage, but in real there wasn’t any. When she didn’t show any accept that she had lied and called it as being manipulative. Kamal said its not manipulation but hallucination.

The drama queen Juliana was crying after Kamal’s statement. Kamal announced Oviya is safe as usual.

Ganesh and Namitha’s results are yet to be announced.


Gayathri and Juliana busted out of happiness which is a sign that perhaps Ganesh is the one who got evicted.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 27

BB asked housemates how they feel at present since it has been a month in the BB house.  Every housemate went individually into the confession room and shared the following.

Sakthivel: - He missed his family especially, his son. He has realized what is running a family since he came into the BB house as his father had been taking care of everything in his own house.

Namitha: - Because of Oviya she is very frustrated. She is missing her pets & her friends.

Gayathri: - Apologizes to her mother if she has done any mistake in the house.

Snehan: - There are a lot of changes BB has brought in his life. He is much changed person now. He has understood the value of relationship and family. He has started loving his life now.

The day starts with dash song… Oviya was seen crying. It is the song or the people who has made her emotional…we will know by the passing time.

Juliana asked Oviya to excuse her when Snehan came into the Girl’s room and Juliana wanted to speak to him. She told Snehan that she was feeling very painful during night but she could not call anyone for help as she thought that people would again call it as acting. Sakthivel came and both of them tried to console her. Snehan tell her that people even Judge God sometimes & you are after all a human. Later, Gayathri also joined their conversation.  It is better to not mind what Gayathri speaks as she only talk nonsense when she opens her mouth.

Raiza asked Oviya to clean the toilet. Oviya tells that she cannot clean daily, two days once is okay. Raiza goes straight to Gayathri and pukes everything to her. Who is Gayathri by the way? Gayathri has to be kicked out of the house. She is a shame to womanhood.

Namitha, Gayathri and Raiza confer between them that Oviya should not be even having the food if she cannot do the house chores. They planned to Boycott her.

Namitha left to Sakthivel as he is the captain of the house currently. She complained about Oviya’s attitude. Sakthivel asked Namitha to tolerate her for one more day, tomorrow they will share it with Kamal Hassan then  decide what to do.

Ganesh went to Oviya and asked her why she is not cleaning the toilet. Oviya explained that she has cleaned the toilet already but people expect her to clean the already cleaned toilet which she cannot. Ganesh asked her to join a meet-up which he would arrange to sort everything out. Oviya agrees over that. Oviya is not doing right by avoiding the job assigned to her. She is just giving one more point to the filthy people in the house to again trouble her.

When Ganesh passed Oviya’s word to everyone Gayathri puts her head into it interrupting time and again without letting Ganesh to complete his sentence. In fact, nobody cared to consider what Ganesh said.

Sakthivel called Oviya and asked her about the toilet issue. Oviya explained the same to Sakthivel that she told to Ganesh.  Oviya said she never said that she will not clean the toilet she just said she will clean it if she sees it dirty. Gayathri could not resist her tongue and she again interrupted which caused Oviya to leave the conversation half way. No wonder, Gayathri is not worth talking.

“You cannot save every drowning soul” said Namitha to Ganesh. Sakthivel also tried to make Ganesh understand that Oviya’s attitude is not good. Ganesh told Namitha that he had to understand the issue and now he has understood.

Raiza and Gayathri were in their room when Juliana turned to them to complain about Oviya. Namitha joined in and she puts her words into everyone’s mouth. After that, they decide that they will ask Kamal Hassan to eliminate either Oviya else they will all quit the show. She convinces all of them to stand on their decision firm.

BB announces a New Task- Road-side Stall

House mates were divided into two groups. BB phoned a member from each group and told the order. They prepared some cuisines as per BB’s order. Oviya, Ganesh, Vaiyapuri & Aarar’s team win the Task.

Namitha went into the boy’s room and told them about the decision that the girls have made.

Vaiyapuri told Snehan to not interfere in the girl’s matter let and to let them sort it on their own.

Gayathri Ousted Evil eye from the housemates in that Oviya wasn’t included. Gayathri you are the evil and so is your deeds. You need to work on that.

Everyone (Except Oviya) settles down at the dining table and discussed about the matter of eliminating Oviya. Snehan and Aarar said that there is no such rule to eliminate but then Namitha interrupted and said Juliana has read it in the rule book as there is such rule. They all finally agreed to Sakthivel’s decision of waiting for one more day.

Aarar had a different view over all the issue. He does not agree with Namitha who wants nobody to speak to Oviya. Aarar feels that avoiding a person is different and not talking to that person is completely different. It is not a sign of humanity. In Barani’s matter I stood by all because I heard from someone that he peeped into girls’ bathroom that too I don’t know whether that is true or not.
Aarar also discuss one important thing which we all noticed, how vicious is Juliana .When everyone called Juliana’s stomach pain as acting only Oviya was there by her side among the girls but, she (Juliana) is so ungrateful. Yes, Aarar we agree with you and she is not just ungrateful but, she is a hypocrite and a very cunning lady.

When the lights turned off: -

Gayathri is so sick. She only has things to talk about Oviya. Snehan tries to make the girls understand. (More to add)

Gayathri and Namitha triggered Oviya. She got pissed off and left the room saying, “There is a Limit for everything”. Juliana asked Oviya to mind her way of talking. Oviya called Juliana some swear word after which she followed Oviya and asked her to wait. Oviya did not bother and went. Juliana then went to the Garden area and sat down there. Snehan asked her not to overact and come back.
Oviya showed them middle finger while going back inside the house as per the information got from Namitha. Namitha you need that baby.

Namitha, Gayathri and Juliana purposely triggered Oviya for getting her reactions. They all started singing loudly so as to disturb Oviya. Oviya again got up and left the room. She went to the boys’ room to complain about the matter to Captain Sakthivel but then Snehan and Aarar stopped her and asked her to not make a scene. She stayed there for some while. She casually rested on Snehan who was lying on the bed. Seeing this Juliana’s stomach started burning out of jealousy. She exclaimed, “My Snehan brother’s image would hamper because of that girl”. Namitha interrupted and said that he knows his good and bad she doesn’t need to bother.


Gayathri and Oviya again got into an argument. There is a cold war held between these two. Sakthivel lost his temper over Oviya and warned her to shut-up else he would smack her down.
To not forget to read tomorrow’s update. The house is turned to a battle ground. Stay tuned for more updates.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 26

Kaasu Panam thuttu money-money was the wake up song for today.

From Pro Kabbadi Team Tamil Thalaiva came inside the BB house for promotion. Housemates welcomed them and introduced themselves.

Namitha serves Black coffee to the guests.

BB welcomes the Team and h announces a match between the housemate and the Kabbadi team.
Snehan reads a notice from BB which said about the game rule.

Juliana felt bad and cried because Namitha humiliated her in front of the guests when she was about to read the notice and all of a sudden Namitha asked her to hand the notice over to Sakthivel. But, at last Sakthivel gave the notice to Snehan.

The match began, Oviya, Juliana, Namitha & Raiza were the cheer girls. Oviya, Juliana, Namitha & Raiza were the cheer girls.

Both the teams got equal scores. It was a tie. After the match they all took a leave from the BB housemates.

Namitha got a big problem with Oviya. Namitha & Gayathri complained about Oviya and. Oviya interferes in everyone’s matter. They feel she intentionally does everything to seek attention.
Gayathri yells at Oviya so do Namitha.

On the other side, Juliana is suffering due to Stomach pain so Snehan goes and calls her to have food, seeing all this Gayathri comments that all of them are acting in this house 7& that everything is for the camera.

Juliana got a severe stomach attack. Sakthivel get panic and runs to Juliana. Snehan Aarar, Sakthivel & Oviya helps Juliana to feel better but Namitha and Gayathri still felt she is acting.

BB asked to bring Juliana into the confession room. Coming out from the confession room, Oviya and Gayathri took her to the restroom and checked whether there is any internal bleeding.

But, there wasn’t any so they assumed it to be a cramp in the stomach. She was later shown to a doctor. Sakthivel & Snehan took good care of her throughout.

Aarar came to Juliana and asked her about her health.

Namitha told Raiza, how well Juliana acted.

Juliana on the other side cries out to Oviya and tells her that when she was dying out of pain some people still though that she was acting. Oviya tried to console her.

Ganesh crack Omiya’s matter at the dining table when Gayathri, Aarar and Sakthivel also were seated. Ganesh asked Gayathri what is the issue. Gayathri says, Oviya keeps on triggering unnecessarily.

Sakthivel told Gayathri to stay out of other people’s issue. He told her to take ownership of your own matter not somebody else’s.

Namitha keeps discussing with Raiza how well and good Juliana acts. Namitha requests her fans to not vote for her as she is not interested to stay in the BB house.

Snehan asked Oviya what is her issue with others. Oviya says, she has no problem perhaps others have problems with her. She is open but people keep things in mind and act which she don’t do.

Gayathri tells Juliana not too speak with her further.  This she said due to a incident where Juliana asked Gayathri  if she too felt that she is acting Oviya comforting Juliana said, ‘if you die also people will feel that you are acting’. This statement from Oviya irritated Gayathri and that she burst upon Juliana.`

Snehan comes to Juliana and make her understand why people though she is acting. He tried to calm her down.  Juliana turns everything to Oviya as if she was provoked by Oviya to ask Gayathri whether she felt that Juliana is acting.

Juliana goes to Namitha and apologizes to her if at all she has hurt Namitha ever.

Who is Juliana’s true friend, for who is Juliana a true friend only in the coming days we will know.


Namitha and Snehan are crying inside the confession room.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 25

Oviya stole the duplicate Diamond which was replaced by Sakthivel. All housemates searched for that but couldn’t find that. Finally BB called Vaiyapuri and informed that stolen duplicate diamond is inside Oviya’s bag. They took that and kept on the diamond stand.

Since the original diamond was stolen, the housemates failed in the luxury budget task. Entire housemates were searching for the stolen diamond. But Raiza predicts that Sakthivel is the thief. Oviya and Vaiyapuri also have the same feeling.

Snehan started crying in the thoughts of his family. All housemates tried to comfort him.

Finally Sakthivel himself exposed that he is the culprit. He cried a lot and said the game is not important but people are important. Oviya interrupted intentionally and started fighting with Sakthivel. Later all housemates started getting irritated with Oviya's behavior. 

All housemates revealed that Oviya is a drug addict and alcoholic.

BB called all the housemates, showcased how Sakthilvel steals the diamond.

BB gifted chocolate cake for all the housemates behalf of Sakthivel, But luxury budget is cancelled.


Housemates playing Kabbadi game, Oviya fell down and crying due to stomach pain.

To know what will happen inside the BB house, stay tuned.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 24

Dandanaka….today’s alarm song Juliana & Oviya danced

BB voiced sakthivel to come into the confession room & informed him that Snehan is not learning the dance step Task as per the BB had commanded.

Namitha is still in her comfortable zone, said Oviya. Raiza being defensive towards Namitha said, she didn’t perform Tasks because of her health issues. Oviya cuts her in the middle and said, so was I had health issues but I still performed the Tasks. As an example Oviya makes Raiza understand why did Harathi got evicted from BB house as per Ovia, Harathi had a different personality when she came into the house, after she had a fight in the house her personality and attitude changed later, when she got nominated again her personality changed so that’s the reason why audiences didn’t like her for what her unreal personality. Sakthivel came in between ther conversation and told them to use only Tamil language to communication as English is a no-no in the house.

Gayathri is seen teaching Snehan few more dance steps after being reminded by Sakthivel.

Let’s hope he gets well trained to hop before the upcoming competition.

Oviya peeps from Bathroom & copy the dance steps of snehan. Awww Oviya… you looked cute.
BB punished Raiza for discussing nominations. Raiza is directly nominated for the next week.

The Luxury Budget Task for this week Starts. The name of the Task is Thiruda Thiruda (Cops and Thieves)

Snehan had formed a community which has 1200 members out of those members he has done 32 marriages. Marriages, that don’t follow the usual Indian tradition or rituals yet, all the married couples, are living a happy marriage till date. His image was ruined by the media but still he fought. 

Snehan shares this incident of his life to Oviya, Namitha & Raiza.                                                                  
Oviya was again seen playing with camera.

All the Housemates get one character for them which they got to keep secretive as per BB’s command.

Sakthivel is a spy whose job is to replace the original diamond with the duplicate diamond placed in the living area without anyone's knowledge. This would hamper the luxury budget but, Sakthivel would be safe from nominations next week if he do it successfully.

Oviya played with Juliana's shawl... This is a part of her secretive character which is a “mischievous girl”.

Oviya loiters around in the house with her hands in Juliana's shoulder. Juliana introduces Oviya to all the members of her family (the characters).

Snehan reads a notice which reads that three teams of two members got to watch and secure the diamond. Who becomes the security team members that decision is up to the head of the family.

Vaiyapuri being the head of the family makes a team.

Everyone is trying hard to be in their secretive characters.

As Sakthivel is the spy he had to replace the original diamond with the duplicate one. He finally succeeds after several attempts. Poor Sakthivel did not get enough sleep all because of this secretive Task.


Sakthivel became emotional for he had to steal something which he never did in his real life.

A siren rang as the Diamond has been stolen. Oviya is seen trying to snatch the Diamond unaware of it’s duplicity.

This was by far the most entertaining episode. Keep yourself updated with the all episodes. Stay tuned for more fun and entertainment.

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