Sunday 6 August 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 42

Oviya quits the Bigg Boss Show. She was not able to cope up with her emotions which led her to do some silly things in the house. In the day time she spent it somehow but the Nights in the house were becoming very difficult for Oviya just like anyone who had heartbreak. She was okay when somebody sat beside her and spoke to her but, when nobody was around she lose her calm. Basically she wanted attention all the time to get out of this Aarav thing. Knowing the fact that Aarav is not interested in her she still loves him and doesn’t want to take it as a failure. She believes that she would win his heart because her love is true. Even after having several counselling sessions she could not make herself normal.  She finally decided that she would not be able to stay in the house and deliberately wanted to get out. Bigg Boss respecting her decision permitted her to leave the house.

Snehan, Bindu and Raiza were very saddened after her exit. Raiza felt guilty for making fun of Oviya unknown of the fact then what would her situation be when Oviya did things that hurt them. She confessed about her guilt to Gayathri that somewhere down the line she is also responsible for Oviya’s situation. Gayathri on the other hand, could not accept that she herself was a part in the contribution for all the mess. ‘Just for the show, we are damaging people, first Barani now Oviya’ says Raiza’s to Snehan and Sakthivel. This is so true. Sakthivel and Gayathri are the kind of people who wants others to prioritize them above all and if someone doesn’t do that they start to isolate those people. She was asked by Kamal, whether Sakthivel and Gayathri are dominating for which she replied that they are not dominating but influential. Razia also wants to play safe by giving diplomatic answers.

When Kamal asked Bindu who does she feel would win the show. She answered that it would have been Oviya if she was there. Oviya is already a winner just like Barani she has won hearts of the people which is above winning the show.

After getting out from the house Oviya met Kamal. She was surprised at the same time grateful to the people for the kind of love and response she got.She thanked all her fans for showering upon her immense love. Kamal wished her best wishes for the future, advised her to appreciate the generation she is in which supports her whatsoever is the situation good or bad and has accepted her with all her flaws and goodwill. He bid her adieu and after her exit there was the flash back of her till date journey shown. I am sure everyone would have had tears in their eyes of happiness and sadness at the same time. We gonna miss her smile, her dance, her cute fights, teasing and what not.

Oviya is a good hearted soul and everyone wished good for her. Especially her fans,’ Oviya Army’ are going to support her in all her decisions. Not just her fan club ‘Oviya Army’ but also the fans who are not among them but still loves her unconditionally and I am, one of them. She is an inspiration to the young generation and I just hope she gets more success in her life and may her stardom shines like a star the sky.

I would like to add one more thing, Oviya is waiting for Aarav to come out and here is the chance for us-the Oviya fans to make it as sooner as possible by not voting for Aarav who has been nominated for this week’s eviction. This is my humble request to everyone please do not vote for Aarav.

There won’t be any more updates on Bigg Boss from my side because I would not be watching the show which has No Oviya in it. Thank you everyone who read the updates on my page. I’ll be back if Oviya happens to come back to the show any day. With the mere hope I end it here. Stay blessed all.

Saturday 5 August 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 41

Oviya had been putting too much effort to get out of the house like in today’s episode; she scared the shit out of people by going under pool water and stopping her breath. For some good fortune Aarav saw this from the inside and came running towards the pool along with Snehan, Vaiyapuri and Sakthivel. She was pleading to go out as soon as Snehan took her out.

Gayathri was called by Bigg Boss and informed that that the Doctor would be there anytime sooner and so would Oviya’s manager. He asked her to handle the situation by the time they reach. Gayathri assured Oviya that undoubtedly she is going today and requested her to stay calm for till then. Before taking such extreme step she had requested Bigg Boss to get her a doctor so as to make sure that she is doing fine.

For a surprise, Raiza and Gayathri felt bad for Oviya’s condition. They both were very polite towards her which was a shocking sight. Gayathri in fact spent time with Oviya when Oviya was downhearted after her fight with Aarav the last night. What happened last night was very below par. Oviya went to boy’s room when Aarav was sleeping and the others were sitting in the living area. She went to him and kept waking him up to ask him why he cheated her. Well, Aarav does not accept that he ever cheated her as he never told he loved her. Oviya too accept this fact but, her concern is that why was Aarav nice to her when she used to show her love towards him. Aarav never said, ‘I love you’ to Oviya but never did he even said that he doesn’t love her. He enjoyed when Oviya used to do things for him lovingly but, now he seems to hate the same things. According to Oviya Aarav is either fears somebody among the housemate or else he had been cheating upon her. Oviya called Aarav a playboy, which indeed is a fact Aarav’s behavior proves. After this souring relation between Aarav and Oviya she, is no keener to stay in this house and that is the reason why she is not performing any task too.

Vaiyapuri laughs by the thought of last night’s instance when all the girls except Bindu went into boy’s room to sleep fearing if Oviya would do harm to them. He laughs telling Aarav, ‘One girl made everyone go panic’.

Amidst all the hitches and glitches, there was this captaincy task; Tug-of- war played by the housemates which eventually Ganesh’s team won. After finishing the captaincy task, there was a nomination process done in which one of the members from the losing team was supposed to get nominated for eviction. Aarav was the one who got nominated from the losing team for eviction.

Tomorrow’s episode is a must watch. Let’s hope whatever happens is in Oviya’s favor and that which is best for her. As there is no plan from Oviya to stay in the house further her fans are still hoping somewhere down the stroke she stays and get safe from the eviction too.

Do not risk missing tomorrow’s episode. Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 40

Post mid night Oviya went out in the garden area and slept there which was to impress Aarav she later told him. Aarav stayed awake with her for some time to calm her down.

Oviya had a bad day today she, ran behind Aarav today as well. She kept herself away from everyone and everything except Aarav. She did not even perform any task because of her depressed mood. She is badly hurt by Aarav’s behavior. Oviya doesn’t want to do something weird and get into trouble or put housemates into trouble. So, she is trying the most to avoid the things and people who are making her upset.

Gayathri asked Oviya to have semiya but, Oviya clearly told not to try and become her mother.
Everyone has something or the other opinion about Oviya. Some of them feel Aarav is innocent and some are matured enough to understand Oviya’s state of mind. Raiza, Vaiyapuri, Snehan and Bindu are the ones who tried to point out Aarav’s mistake. Especially Vaiyapuri who very well explained to Aarav how would be Oviya feeling when he all of a sudden ended the amity with Oviya, over and above he started interacting more with other fellow girls in the house. Vaiyapuri also felt this is the leading reason for such an unstable behavior from Oviya.

Trigger Sakthivel has so much audacity to say that he would have slapped Oviya and preferred to leave the show if it was him on the place of Aarav. Thinking, he would be sounding smart, these filthy people don’t use brains before dropping something from their eerie mouth. Trigger Sakthivel badly need a smack down from the Tamil makkal (Public) very soon he is going get lucky enough to get it.

There was a party thrown by Bigg Boss after today’s task where there were few sections of Sports, Entertainment and cooking. Housemates participated in three respective groups and the host was none other than brainless bimbo, Juliana. Oviya tried few attempts to disturb the sports section which was held in the garden area where she was relaxing. In the party they were served with foods, Juliana performed a dance (unbearable to watch) and Vaiyapuri enjoyed the tasty food.

Aarav confronts to Oviya that she has misunderstood her friendliness to be love. Oviya gets shattered and ask him to never talk to her and stay away from her. Snehan calmed Oviya down.
Oviya is being tortured but housemates feel she is being a torture to them. Let the viewer decide who is right and who is not. This week Oviya, Vaiyapuri and Juliana are nominated my belief in the audience says that Juliana would get evicted. Oviya and Vaiyapuri are the only deserving ones to get safe.


Oviya and Gayathri are dancing in the garden area. Bindu is asked by BB who she nominates, she takes Trigger Sakthivel’s name. Stay tuned for more updates.

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 39

This episode there was nothing different from other days except for Oviya who was again being ignored, triggered and made fun of by the housemates. For no surprise, Aarav too was a part of them. He kept ignoring her when she tried to talk to him. Aarav is doing nothing but increasing his haters list outside the house. The current behavior of Aarav shows the character of being a gentleman was just a bogus.

Housemates had to continue the Asylum Task today as well but with little changes. They were informed privately by BB about some new secret characters. The housemates were given secret formula given by BB which was robbed by Snehan and eventually got caught.

Oviya was trying to get cozy with Aarav which he did not seem like liking it. Probably she did all this because of the task because that is what she tried to convey later. At one point Oviya got irritated by Aarav’s behavior but after sometime she again followed Aarav everywhere. She was only seen running behind Aarav to have a word with him and Aarav kept ignoring her. If at all they spoke they would end up with some argument and all over again the whole running behind process start once again.

Gayathri and Juliana were trying to be unnecessarily protective towards Aarav which was not needed at all. Aarav is a man and he can take care of himself. But, Aarav too seemed like he so badly needed them that as soon as he sees a sight of Oviya he runs to Gayathri and Juliana. He had a problem the other day when Oviya gave him a massage which apparently he did not like but today Juliana gave him a massage and he had no problem at all. He is being caring towards Juliana by asking her to stay away from Oviya as he feels she could hurt Juliana. This is insane like how can a person change so badly and that too so shortly.

Oviya has cut her off from all the teams. She has decided that she would do cooking, cleaning and washing everything for herself. She doesn’t want to be in any team. Gayathri wanted Oviya to wash a utensil that she used but Oviya did not bother to listen to anyone’s order. She told Snehan clearly that he is nobody to ask her to do any work who spoke on behalf of Gayathri. Gayathri threw spoons showing her ager upon Oviya. Oviya did not care and left the kitchen.

Housemates are finding it difficult with her and they are only waiting for Saturday so that they can speak to Kamal Hassan and take a decision. Utter stupidity I would say because this is not a school and they are no school going kids who waits for teacher’s instruction before doing something.

Housemates could have treated Oviya well but everyone has their egos unlike Snehan and Bindu which never lets Oviya to voice her point freely. They all want Oviya to be like Juliana who keeps licking everyone’s foot. Sorry Boss, that’s Oviya for you who is definitely a strong girl but being a little stranded due to loving a foolish person like Aarav.


Oviya has quit food. Bindu and Raiza subsequently came to her and asked her to have the food but she did not go. Oviya wants to speak to BB and unless he calls her into the confession room she would not eat anything.

Being woman is her power!

                                Being woman is her power!

It is over when you lie. It is over when you break the trust. It is over when you do not show respect. It is over when you humiliate your partner in front of others. It is over when you become abusive. It is over when you do not realize your mistakes. Is it still not over? Just over it out.

Is living a life with an imprudent, worth? If you do not respect your partner there is no point in taking the relationship forward. I feel no woman should tolerate a man who is abusive mentally or physically. I also feel it won’t be fair if you do not give a second chance to save the relationship.  But, what if the second chance goes all in vain? Then, it is the time you move on.

In a society we live it is often seen that people do not speak up or take necessary actions when it is required the most. They blame the constitution of marriage, they compromise and chose to stay for their child if they have any. They say a child’s life would get ruined if he lives with a single parent? I want to know, how? For what you chose to stay even after you realize that the relationship is not going to work anyway?  Is it for your child? But, what about the child who is going to see his parents fighting and abusing each other every day? Would that not affect his childhood, his innocence? When your relationship with your partner gets miserable it surely affects your child’s life too.

In the long run there has to be someone who cares for you. Who loves you but, it isn't necessary that the person should be your partner. It is not a choice when a woman loses her husband, but she lives accepting her fate? Most of the women chose to live alone and bring up their child whereas some also prefer to remarry but then that is a choice. How does a woman whose husband is no more lives and brings up the child? If a husband is not worth it is better to live a life like widow instead.
A girl leaves her home, her parents, her friends, and her place where she had the most beautiful memories since her childhood. Nothing should be changed after marriage. Marriage is beautiful when things are easy for each-other, when there is no superior or inferior and when there is a mutual understanding.

The right man would not come up to you consistently with excuses. For the whole lot of things a wrong man would have ample of excuses. Something would always foil him from doing it if that involves any effort on his part.

The shoddier part is, the wrong man will make plans and never conclude it.  I believe plans without conclusions are worse than excuses because you know he has no intention of doing it. But when he makes plans and doesn’t come to a conclusion you go from exhilaration and anticipation to dissatisfaction and frustration.

If you trust, have conviction in his word then nothing like it. He will do his best to always keep his word to you.  He would do everything in his power to follow his words with action if you trust and believe him when he says he I’ll do it.

 If you don’t feel free to voice your views, your thoughts and your desires then you are caged my friend. All you got to do is fly away just, get the hell out of there. ESCAPE!!! There should be never a second thought on that.

It is much better to cut him out of your life once and forever. You’ve got to think about the future of your child and that can never be a good one if yours is bad. Living is not just about eating and napping. Life is a treasure that you always got to cherish. If one is unable to do it because of a moron then he should be shown the exit door.

It is never too late. It is actually better to be late than never. If you chose to stay and complain that you were fooled, cheated or betrayed you will always complain but never take any action. When you say you realized, have you ever lived the realization? Living the realization only happens when you never think of what happened in the past. It is when you have left your past behind and started a new life together where you don’t judge each other. It is when there is only love remained even after small fights. 

When you cannot get out of the miserable days of your relationship then the realization you had was a blunder. It is pointless asking someone to change his character, his personality. When a man thinks that he is greater to a woman in all aspects and he should be respected always over a woman just because he is a man then my friend all you got to do is chin-up and move on. You are no less than a man. In fact why is there a comparison at all? We have so many examples where women did not leave a chance to make us feel proud and surprise us then why is there still a second thought on your credibility?

You are the one who can make the best out of your life. Only you can if, you believe so. 


Wednesday 2 August 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 38

Today’s episode was based on solely Tasks.  Bigg Boss house has turned to a Mental Asylum. Vaiyapuri played doctor, Sakthivel played attender, Ganesh played warden, and Bindu as nurse. Rests of the housemates were the patients of the asylum. 

Each housemate got respective character to play. Oviya and Aarav had some disputes before as well as during the task, Oviya tried to get close to Aarav by showing some gestures, which apparently Aarav did not like. Aarav shared about his discomfort with all his fellow mates and finally requested Bigg Boss for a talk.

Oviya had to play the role of a mental patient who is a love failure which she could not do for much longer because of Aarav’s sudden changed behavior. Oviya quit the task in the middle although Bigg Boss recommended her not to.

Aarav confessed to Bigg Boss about Oviya’s over friendly behavior and about his discomfort. Bigg Boss advised him not to discuss with others and ruin the situation but speak to Oviya personally and sort the issue instead.  

As per Aarav he has already cleared it with Oviya that there is nothing as love from his side. He once again spoke to Oviya and tried to make her understand his state of mind. According to Oviya they are more than just friends but, Aarav made it clear to her that she is just a friend for him nothing more than that. 

Aarav did not like the way she gave him a massage in the presence of housemates when he was having breakfast this morning. She asked him to give her back what she gave him only then she would end the chapter otherwise she would continue doing although he is not liking it.

Oviya is retarded according to the housemates. They are just having sympathy towards her.  Housemates are feeling sad for Aarav since they have felt Aarav being a victim of Oviya. We, as viewers know what has been the whole story of this Aarav and Oviya. Initially Aarav too showed interest towards Oviya then they had a break up that too was initiated from Oviya. 

After a couple of weeks they again became friends and so. Aarav now fears about his image getting spoiled because of Oviya whom he once claimed to be his only friend in the house. Snehan was so right about him. He always said that Aarav is just playing around with Oviya ever since Snehan’s rapport with Oviya had grown.

Gayathri decides after discussing with Raiza and Snehan that they should speak to Oviya once and try to lend a friendship hand otherwise she would continue bothering Aarav simply. So, this is because they feel protective towards Aarav that’s all. They have nothing to do with what Oviya feels or what Oviya is currently going through.

Aarav has made the situation worst for Oviya. She is completely disturbed because of this idiot. Now he has started avoiding her knowing the fact that she only had him has a friend. Let’s just hope that Oviya comes out of all this and stay the happy go lucky girl who always smiled in every situation.


The Mental Asylum task is continued, Vaiyapuri the Doctor is getting the shock treatment for a change instead of the patients. Oviya on the other side is restless and dumbfound because of Bloody Aarav.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Bigg Boss Tamil - Episode 37

Bindu, after her entry gave a new task to all the housemates. Housemates thought she is just a guest until BB announced her as a wild card entry.

Ganesh shared with Sakthivel that housemates feel Sakthivel has a dominating during tasks. Trigger Sakthivel discussed this with Snehan what Ganesh told him.

Ganesh was keen to understand the reason why Oviya hit back on Raiza with her statements on the weekend with Kamal Hassan. She complained that Oviya is very manipulative and has gotten up with some inferiority complex.

Vaiyapuri is already nominated by the housemates in a task happened on the other day.  After today’s nomination process Oviya and Juliana got maximum votes so, these three are ones who are nominated this week.

Like always, Vaiyapuri made fun of Ganesh’s eating habit.

Gayathri teaches Juliana how to behave with everyone so as to stay for longer time.

Aarav and Ganesh discussed about Oviya’s strange and impulsive nature. They both feel she should be given a lot of attention and care. Their conversation sounded like she needed a doctor. Oviya is all good it’s just that not everyone can understand her state of being.

Oviya tried to grab kiss from Aarav out of Snehan’s sight when he was cooking in the kitchen.

All the girls were singing songs. Oviya chose to team up with Gayathri in singing but she did not show any interest and after sometime she left the place and took Raiza ad Juliana along with her.

Snehan is well known with Juliana’s actions. He discussed with his fellow mates how is Juliana going to behave with the new girl Bindu in coming days. Juliana was called by the boys into their room and was told not to disclose the happenings in the house with Bindu.

Raiza told Bindu why she did not went out to greet her on her arrival the other day. She blamed Raiza for her upset mood. She shared the incident and told Bindu that she has stopped talking to Oviya thereafter.

Oviya sang for Aarav.

Gayathri told Raiza not to share anything about the housemate with Bindu and let her know the real colors on her own.

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